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- Pompes industrielles
- Pompes vide fût à moteur électrique
- pompes à fûts (AI) pour les aliments à faible viscosité
+216 71 38 92 15
+216 71 38 92 15
pompes à fûts (AI) pour les aliments à faible viscosité
Drum pump-Sets Stainless steel suitable for thin-viscous foods like malic acid, pineapple juice, protein solutions, dextrose (grape sugar), juice, oils, cider, etc.
Drum pump, hose and pump nozzle were perfectly matched based on our decades of experience and guarantee therefore an immediate usability and durability of our drum pumps.Each of our drum pump sets consists of an electric or air operated drum pump motor, a pump tube suitable for the application, two meter media-proof dispensing hose and a nozzle, which facilitates filling and transferring.Outsiders of hazardous areas you can combine each pump tube with each drum pump motor and corresponding accessories and therefore select the a individual drum pump set from JESSBERGER.
Drum pump-Sets Stainless steel suitable for thin-viscous foods like malic acid, pineapple juice, protein solutions, dextrose (grape sugar), juice, oils, cider, etc.
- Drum pump, hose and pump nozzle were perfectly matched based on our decades of experience and guarantee therefore an immediate usability and durability of our drum pumps.
- Each of our drum pump sets consists of an electric or air operated drum pump motor, a pump tube suitable for the application, two meter media-proof dispensing hose and a nozzle, which facilitates filling and transferring.
- Outsiders of hazardous areas you can combine each pump tube with each drum pump motor and corresponding accessories and therefore select the a individual drum pump set from JESSBERGER.
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